Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cincinnati Scramble

The day I went to my first allergist appointment to find out if there was a link between my symptoms and the food I was eating, my husband and I went out to breakfast first so I could take have one last meal of "freedom" to choose my meal. We went to a local diner and I had what they call a Cincinnati scramble - it was hashbrowns, hamburger meat, two eggs over-easy, chili, and cheese. It was sinfully delicious and I'm sure it had well over 1,000 calories.

It's been over two months since that day and I've had a lot of moments of being hungry. Hungry because I'm out at a restaurant that doesn't serve much I can eat. Hungry because all I can eat at the holiday meal is a baked potato with olive oil. Hungry because I can't have one of my traditional comfort foods after a hard day.

Earlier this week I was craving a Cincinnati scramble and I realized (to my delight) that I could make myself one with ingredients I already had in the house! I had made a simple slow-cooker chili earlier in the week and I had bought some sausages from Costco that I could sub for hamburger meat. (Note: there's nothing wrong with hamburger meat, I just didn't happen to have any in the house.)

I threw everything together and it was a bit dry without cheese, so I added some organic ketchup. It wasn't pretty but it was delicious and kept my tummy full and happy for hours!

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