Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Grocery shopping

As someone that has enjoyed cooking and new recipes as part of the "adult" adventure, I never thought grocery shopping could become so frustrating. Estimates I've heard are that corn is in over 90% of foods in your local grocery store. Of the remaining 10%, most of it includes either dairy or wheat flour (gluten).

Since I've embarked on this new way of eating, I've been almost in tears each time I go to the grocery store. Something looks good, but of course it has one of the "big three" in it. I think of a recipe but can't figure out a way to make it safe for me. I wander down the bread aisle hoping for something gluten-free, but I just end up salivating. Even in the "natural" or "organic" section, most things boast "whole grains", which translates to gluten.

I'm still muddling through, but I've definitely found that it's best to go into a grocery store with a specific list. Wandering leads to frustration.

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