Monday, March 18, 2013

Soyummi Puddings

I am a huge fan of pudding: tapioca pudding, rice pudding, chocolate pudding, bread name it. Since eliminating dairy, pudding has been conspicuously absent. I saw these gems and the local store and snatched them up. They are surprisingly realistic in texture, but the flavor is undeniably lemon-y. So, they are worth it when you're craving pudding and they come in easy to-go containers, but don't be expecting your normal tapioca or rice pudding flavor.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


These animal crackers are fantastic and are completely "legal"! I've shared some with co-workers and they like them better than regular animal crackers! I keep a box in my work bag at all times and I eat them when people bring illegal tempting snacks.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Road's End Organics Mac & Cheese

Mac and cheese has always been a huge comfort food for me. I've got a lot of stress in my life (hence the lack of posts recently) so I bought this and made it for lunch today. First of all, you must pay attention that it says "alfredo style", so really it's alfredo not mac and cheese. I followed the directions exactly, using coconut milk as my milk-substitute. The noodles turned out hard and the sauce was abrasive and gritty. I will not be repeating this one.